Bypassing the grid limitations with green energy

By generating the power locally at the charging stations, we can say goodbye to concerns about power availability, scaling the charging network, and worries about the sustainability of the available power source.

Powered by nature

We generate all the power needed for our chargers from clean hydrogen, solar, and wind energy. This enables us to guarantee charging exclusively from renewable energy for all our customers.

100% renewable energy

Blue hydrogen

Blue hydrogen is made by converting natural gas into hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Unlike grey hydrogen, blue hydrogen production captures and stores the carbon dioxide underground. This process significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

Green hydrogen

Green hydrogen is produced through electrolysis, a process where an electrical current splits water (H2O) into hydrogen and oxygen. To ensure its renewability and green credentials, the electrical power used in electrolysis must be sourced from renewable energy.

Wind power

At Cyan Energy, we strive to install wind power directly connected to our charging facilities. Wind power is a clean and renewable energy source that we can store locally and utilise as needed. Our charging stations are strategically located near road infrastructure, ensuring minimal impact on untouched natural areas.

Solar power

At Cyan Energy, we are committed to installing solar panels at our charging facilities. Solar power is a clean and renewable energy source that we can store and utilize as needed. Our solar facilities will have a capacity ranging from approximately 10 kW to 1000 kW.

Green grid power

We have a guarantee of origin for all the electricity we supply. When you charge your electric car with Cyan Energy, we ensure that only renewable energy is used.

Enabling the renewable transition

In many areas, the availability of renewable power and the necessary grid capacity for developing and expanding renewable transport infrastructure are limited.

By offering independent renewable energy solutions, Cyan Energy facilitates the expansion of charging infrastructure, making a significant contribution to the renewable energy transition.